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Pediatric Dentistry

We at Dr. Krish Esthetik studio ensures that your little ones will have a pleasing experience in a warm environment Pediatric Treatments provided are:

  • Preventive dentistry which includes fluoridation and teeth sealants
  • Dental Fillings primary (baby) teeth can decay at accelerated rates, allowing the cavity to spread into the nerve or adjacent teeth. Our conservative white fillings repair the area of damage and help stop the spread of infection. Composite fillings are both mercury-free and attractive. Restorative dentistry which includes teeth filling and root canal treatment.
  • An abscessed tooth can be extremely painful and a risk to your child’s health. Gentle pulpotomies combined with crowns can preserve your child’s tooth until it’s ready to be replaced with the permanent one.
  • Extractions and Space Maintainers — Non-restorable teeth can be gently extracted, and a special appliance placed to prevent crowding or blockage to the underlying adult tooth. which includes dental extraction and exposure of unerupted teeth.
  • Protective crowns (sometimes called “caps”) preserve compromised, broken, or badly decayed teeth and prevent premature tooth loss.
Pediatric Orthodontics:

Your child’s oral development is assessed, jaw anatomy, and eruption patterns to pinpoint concerns that might develop into problematic issues once they get older.

How much fluoride tooth paste should I use for my child?

It is recommended to use a smear amount of tooth paste for children under 3 years and a pea sized amount for children aged 3-6 years , children are encouraged to spit out the excess tooth paste once finished brushing.

How do teeth sealants work?

Dental sealants are preventative covers that block out cavity-causing bacteria in the deep grooves on back teeth. A sealant only takes a couple of minutes to apply we recommend them on all permanent (adult) molars, which erupt around the ages of 6 and 12, respectively. Placing sealants in teeth prevents decay by closing the grooves and pits in the teeth and thus preventing build up of food debris and bacterial infection, this is a fast and painless procedure.

What do you expect on your child’s first visit?

First timers are sometimes uncomfortable sitting on the dental chair, you don’t need to worry about it , our dentist will gently examine the gums and teeth and check for signs of tooth decay, X-ray may be needed to examine a hidden decay

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