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Dental Filling

Teeth decay is a slowly progressing bacterial infection that spreads the teeth over a period of time.

Dental filling is the procedure of removing the decayed tooth structure and filling the cavity with a material that restores the function and contour of teeth.

There are different kinds of filling materials , the selection is based on the tooth condition , allergies, cost and patient expectations.

Types of dental filling

Porcelain fillings – inlay/onlay are tooth coloured and are created to match the current aesthetics of teeth. A porcelain filling is virtually indistinguishable from other healthy teeth and can last up to 20 years.

Composite fillings are similar to porcelain fillings; however, they can last 5-10 years when applied to teeth.

Gold fillings need to be created in a lab to fit the tooth cavity and are then cemented into place. They are the most expensive type of filling and require multiple visits. Gold fillings are well received by the surrounding gum tissue and can last for more than 20 years.

Amalgam fillings were the most common, cheapest filling available. However, amalgam fillings contain mercury and are not commonly used in Australia. Moreover, this type of filling can expand and contract in heat which can cause teeth to crack.

Instead, we offer to replace old amalgam fillings with healthier tooth coloured fillings. used could be composite filling, amalgum( silver filling) and customized porcelain inlays.

Benefits of tooth colored filling
  • Blend in perfectly with the original teeth to look natural
  • Restore broken, crooked, or damaged teeth and teeth cavities caused due to decay.
  • Can be used as a veneer over discolored or stained teeth.
  • Combined with other dental treatments, such as bridges, crowns, and inlays.
  • Less time is taken for preparation and treatment

If you are looking for dental fillings in Dubai, Dr Krish Esthetik Studio promises to restore the functionality of your teeth in a fast , painless and conservative manner.

How do you know you have a tooth decay?

You may experience one or some of those:
Discoloration, Cold sensitivity, sweet sensitivity, food accumulation. Dental floss shredding

Please reach us out in Dr Krish Esthetik Studio to determine the extent of decay and repair it immediately after clinical and X-ray examinations.

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